Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Time for Change

             Selfishness runs our Country. The government no longer abides by the Constitution. You can’t even begin to imagine the secrecy that’s going on in front of you but goes unrealized.  Why so much secrecy? Because they rather profit from secrecy and war, than by efficiency and peace. Our congress needs to be dumped and filled with people that actually give a damn about our Country and follow the Constitution. We’ve spent too much time trusting appointed officials to choose what is better for “us, the people” and allowing corporations to buy the government.  This isn’t about secret societies or anything like that; it’s our own government that’s destroying everything our forefathers built. And the silly thing is that they are successful in fooling the public into supporting their decisions, just as anyone can be successful in fooling a child with reverse psychology.  

                I’m sure most Americans are familiar with how crappy our economy is doing, or how social security is running low because the president is taking money from it since he has no other place to take it from. We have no money! The government spends way too much on the military when that money could be put to better use. We are, statistically, not even supposed to make it to the next decade because we’re in neck high debt. Even though it can be solved by, I don’t know, getting rid of income tax, taxing the Federal Reserve, and continuing on until we get rid of central banks. All central banks are good for is selling us credit they don’t have and making profit they obviously don’t deserve.

                The best thing you can do right now is question, investigate and spread the truth.  The government doesn’t care about us, but they know they need our support to accomplish whatever their goals may be. You think 9/11 was a terrorist attack? Wrong. Our own government killed our people so we wouldn’t hesitate when they wanted to declare war on Iraq. You think all these recent shootings, like the Sandy Hook shooting are just random citizens going crazy? Wrong. Our own government is killing, even children, so we can support their gun control movement. People hear about these things but choose not to believe it and continue on ignoring the problems that are destroying and separating your Country. Research it yourself if you don’t believe me. But think about it, the government goes to great lengths to fool the public into supporting their decisions because they know the public holds the power to make things happen. If we could just stop giving the government that power and use it for our benefit and change the way things are run now, there is no doubt in my mind that we could start a great movement.

What I’m doing here is trying to open people’s eyes and hopefully start a chain where bloggers can attach themselves to challenges or events and inform the public on what’s really going on. We have the power to share the information, we don’t have to sit back and watch everyone follow whatever the government blindly without ever questioning or investigating. Stop being so lethargic! They want us to stay stupid and unaware of what’s going on around us, do not let them take control of you so easily. Change is possible and step by step we can restore the constitution. So go, blog away.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Foreign Beauty

AN OBSESSION over what people see in the mirror has hit an all time high. Make up, hair, tans...the list goes on and on. The blame likes to be thrown around, pointing fingers at models or magazine publications in being the ones who are shaping the minds of the youth with "beauty corruption". Yet the only thing advertisement does is give people what they want to see and their approach is influenced by watching you. In simpler terms, if the public didn't care for appearance then, magazines or any kind of media wouldn't care to portray beautiful people, slim figures, or photo shopped faces. There would be no point in advertising something people didn't care about or didn't interest them... it just wouldn't sell.
    Now this need to be perfect is from the "American" perspective. Many would be surprised to encounter  a population that their first priority didn't consists with goals of perfection. I've had the amazing opportunity to spend time in Europe, Berlin to be more exact, and right away differences stood out like neon colors on a neutral background. I have very rarely seen girls with caked faces, tans, hair ruined with products, you name it! The mainstream here seems to be: Natural Beauty. When I say natural beauty, I don't just mean go walk down the streets with no make up, I mean embracing your features and flaws. The best way to view this European way of thinking, is looking through their advertisement where you'll find normal, simple girls. The best example would be the popular mascara commercial from London, where a girl with a very noticeable gap in her teeth is the focus of attention and says, "The London look". Step away from ignorant comments and really think about what that commercial is trying to say for a second.
     The idea of embracing flaws, was a little harder to grasp even for myself,  as I have always been troubled by my Spanish inherited nose. For the longest time, I hated it. I have a pretty face, but an ugly profile when I turned and I was so embarrassed by it that whenever I would pass by people I would "fix" my bangs with my hand in order to cover my profile as I walked by. My nose is actually not that bad, but in my head, I magnetized the problem like thirty times. However, as I spend more time here in Germany, I've caught myself forgetting that habit of hiding my profile. It was so weird, but after thinking it over, it all made sense. I've lived in the U.S for most of my life, the land where perfection is needed, and aging, which was once seen as beautiful and a sign of wisdom or respect, is now seen as ugly and avoided at all costs. And because of that, I didn't have the chance to see things from a different perspective, until now.
     I am in no way saying that girls should't have the pleasure of putting make up on and feeling pretty, I do it all the time! I love trying out new looks and experimenting with my make up. However, there is a fine line between making your appearance prettier for your own pleasure (or significant others) and altering your appearance for the general public. What's the point of looking good for people you don't know and will probably never see again? Do it for you, not others, and especially not because of what you think you NEED to look like. Embrace what you have and be the only person you were intended to be... You.